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Readers LOVE Life After Love - A Review from OnlineBookClub

     Kate Covington, a woman in her late forties, endured the loss of her husband, Peter, three years ago. Since then, she has grappled with sadness while attempting to unearth happiness in life. With the unwavering support of her two closest friends, Claudia and Giacomo Amici, she managed to find some solace in her existence. After her husband's passing, Kate resolved to resurrect her long-abandoned dream, aspiring to become a published author of her short, passionate stories. However, her efforts were met with rejection, as publishers deemed her stories not steamy enough.         The latest rejection pushed her to seek more intimate experiences, given that her late husband had been her only lover.

     In a decisive move, Kate enlisted the help of her best friend, and together, they embarked on a cruise to Spain, setting sail from London. During this voyage, Kate crossed paths with Luca Bell'Angelo, a handsome Italian dance instructor. Luca, a man of peculiar upbringing who disavowed the concept of love, played a pivotal role in Kate's journey toward self-improvement, reigniting the spark in her intimate life. In turn, Kate guided Luca in discovering the true essence of love.

     This captivating narrative unfolds in the novel Life After Love by Lorraine Cover, a literary gem that I thoroughly relished. Right from the outset, the dialogue brimmed with vibrancy, each character imbued with a distinct personality and tone, resonating as if their voices could be heard through the pages. The novel effectively portrays how the universe conspires to nudge us toward change, dropping hints through unexpected sources like a radio program or a fortuitous piece of music, as it did for Kate. The deep bond shared between Claudia and Kate left me envious, for such genuine female friendships are a rare treasure. The unwavering support, advice, and camaraderie they displayed served as a heartwarming testament to the beauty of such relationships. Reading this novel only heightened my desire to find a friend like Claudia, someone to stand by me during life-altering decisions, offering both guidance and unwavering support.

     Luca initially came across as arrogant, but as the story unfolded, it was a delight to witness his transformation into a better person. He imparted his dance expertise to Kate, who, in turn, showed him the depths of true love. This tale has solidified my resolve to learn the Italian language in hopes of one day experiencing the joy of a cruise like the one described in the novel. The dynamic between Kate and Giacomo (referred to as G in the novel) reinforced the notion that friendships between men and women often evolve beyond mere platonic connections. I wholeheartedly recommend this novel, though be aware that it contains explicit sexual content. Setting aside that aspect, it provides an enjoyable reading experience.

Life After Love

Life After Love entertains readers with a fun, easy to read storyline but also has some twists and turns the reader won’t see coming. The sexual tension and the steamy sex scenes turn up the heat. The challenges faced by the characters are real life situations readers can identify with.